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    The process of setting up virtual boundaries around a location is termed as Geofencing. Our Proprietary algorithm helps to identify the data attributes when someone enters or leaves that particular geofenced location. Being at the disposal of the marketplace, it provides the edge for more precise targeted marketing.

    This location-based hyper-local advertising technology enables marketers to customize audiences through data attribution patterns with precision. The drive to built this technology is to address common marketing concerns. Through the use of unstrutured data that is solved with the cutting edge Data Analytics and Analysing the target audience with precision, the performance is unmatched.

    Creating a Location based Strategy

    Setting up Multiple Geo Locations and Analysis

    Analytical Breakdown of Customer journey

    Engage Users Based on Location DNA

    User Receives Targeted Ads as Per His/Her Interested Category

    Location-based advertising:

    Locate and Connect with your audience

    People, Places, Performance:

    Precise Marketing coupled with location-based DNA


    Re-imagine the disruptive marketing for your competitors

    Consumer Engagement:

    Interactive ways to engage with customers

    How brands can benefit from this

    Smart ADOOH (ADZ Out of home):

    Synchronize your campaign with OOH media advertising

    Product Promotions:

    Right Content with the right context at the right time

    Establish Value-added channels:

    Build a lifetime customer value

    Blueprint Inventory:

    Personalised Experience, wider reach,and custom fit inventory for brand reputations

    Easy got good!

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