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The team will be working on your proposal after analyzing & calculating the effort estimates thereby sharing full-fledged documentation from us fair & Square.

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    A well-constructed platform to eliminate many of the biases inherent in real time Analysis and aiming niche audience.

    WhatsApp Business API

    WhatsApp Business API is a dynamic configurable API that enables businesses to send and receive an unlimited number of messages to a global audience. This API helps businesses enhance customer experiences on WhatsApp.

    Would you like to instantly connect with thousands of users on WhatsApp to create experiences in sales, marketing, and drive conversions on the world’s most powerful platform?


    This Device is an advanced visual solution designed to create, control, and showcase 3D video content that appears to viewers as high-resolution holographic images suspended in mid-air.

    VPAN (Vocal Panjika)

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    First global Voice Analysis Platform for digital Marketplace

    VPAN a proprietary technology facilitates a quick and effective decision-making process based on the intensity of the frequency spectrum of any available human speech data. Envision the relationship between physics of sound and speech which VPAN identifies as stress, cognitive processes, and emotional reactions that expose the expressive profile and sensitive decision points of your prospects.

    Smart ADOOH (Adz out of Home)

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    The clever utilization of Out of Home Advertising involves merging Offline and Online Intelligence to provide valuable information about consumer behavior on a global level. This empowers Marketing and Operational Leaders to effectively connect with, comprehend, and promote to specific audiences with confidence.